Overpowered by sweetness and light
Which is the line I just read in Thomas Richards, The Commodity Culture of Victorian England : Advertising and Spectacle, 1851-1914 (London : Verso, 1990).
Reading about the Crystal Palace. Which reminds me of Maeve and Victorian History, and Crystal, come to think of it. :)
Had a random missing-Vassar moment last night at the Uni Choir concert. All these women in black.... but none of them were Renata or Laura or Emily or Laura or Rachel or Maria.... I could go on and on. Miss the Women's Chorus love. And that of Yafeyfiyah as well.
But I'm going to see some Vassar people in just two weeks! I'm coming to NYC on Dec. 18-21. Yeah, if I haven't contacted you about this and you're going to be around, shoot me an email and we'll try to get together. It's a crazy time, I know, but something's better than nothing, eh?
There I go again. Crazy Canadian flatmate. :)
Yeah, sorry I haven't posted in aproximately an eon. I've been freaking out about my PhD app. Me, freak out? Never. And this past week Renee was visiting, so any extra time went into hangoutage. Which was quite fun. Quite in the American sense. :)
I'm actually in a good place for the applications, I think. I feel good about my writing sample, I have drafts of my personal statements, and I'm in good shape for sending the first round off on Friday. I just need to relax. And work on my presentations for Tues. I have to give two 10-15-minute presentations... so I should probably continue reading my book. Sweetness and light. Right.
Reading about the Crystal Palace. Which reminds me of Maeve and Victorian History, and Crystal, come to think of it. :)
Had a random missing-Vassar moment last night at the Uni Choir concert. All these women in black.... but none of them were Renata or Laura or Emily or Laura or Rachel or Maria.... I could go on and on. Miss the Women's Chorus love. And that of Yafeyfiyah as well.
But I'm going to see some Vassar people in just two weeks! I'm coming to NYC on Dec. 18-21. Yeah, if I haven't contacted you about this and you're going to be around, shoot me an email and we'll try to get together. It's a crazy time, I know, but something's better than nothing, eh?
There I go again. Crazy Canadian flatmate. :)
Yeah, sorry I haven't posted in aproximately an eon. I've been freaking out about my PhD app. Me, freak out? Never. And this past week Renee was visiting, so any extra time went into hangoutage. Which was quite fun. Quite in the American sense. :)
I'm actually in a good place for the applications, I think. I feel good about my writing sample, I have drafts of my personal statements, and I'm in good shape for sending the first round off on Friday. I just need to relax. And work on my presentations for Tues. I have to give two 10-15-minute presentations... so I should probably continue reading my book. Sweetness and light. Right.
At 3:35 PM,
L'Écureuil said…
i wonder what it sounded like in the crystal palace.
your applicasions sound solid -- just remember to breathe, yeah?
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