As I was taught in eleventh grade, that is the traditional name for a computer programer's first program, and it was the name of my first program in HTML and C++... I can't remember what happened in college. Now I sound like a programer, which I'm not.
I'm a bit unsure about what the proper tone is for a blog. I've never really read any, although I suppose now I should. I started this so that I could keep in touch with my far-flung friends, many of which have been recently flung or are currently in transit. Whee! But it occurs to me that if this is going to really be up on the Net, some otehr people might stumble across it as well. So should I write to the people I know or to the people who don't know me? Of the people who know me, everyone knows me in a slightly different way, and I tend to talk and write to everyone in a slightly different manner. Of the people who don't know me, I suppose I should explain some of my quirks, but on the other hand, I don't want to explain too much in case anyone should take it into his/her head to begin to stalk me. I don't know why anyone would want to because I'm really not all that interesting, but I'm egotistical enough to think it's in the realm of possibility that someone might be mistaken as to my letter of interestingness. Therefore, I may be intentionally obscure in the manner of the Victorian novels which some of you know I love, referring to people and places by their first initial and a dash, as in V------, my alma mater, and R-----, my former roommate.
This stream-of consciousness form is extremely addictive.
If you don't know me, basically all you need to know is that I'm not a very good speller, so I appologize.
If you do know me, my ambition in this blog is to keep you abreast of my doings and show you some pictures, as an alternative to mass emails. We'll see how that works out. Best made plans of proverbials and proverbials and all that. :)