So, classes still haven't started, so I have all this time that I could be using to usefully work on my PhD application, but instead I'm doing pointless yet oh-so-addictive things like making desktop collages. And posting on my blog, cometo think of it. But I was watching Pirates of the Caribbean the other day, and I decided that my earlier collage was inadequate (or at least only one side of the story). I'm now going to ruin this collage by explaining it. I was struck by this line that Norrington says towards the beginning of the film. It's strange because I'd always sort of assumed that he'd included Elizabeth's father in the statement, but of course it could also be read to be just himself, and that "caring for" is his stilted, Victorian way of saying "love romantically and want to have lots of babies with." But it did strike me that many men in the film care for Elizabeth in different ways, so I made a collage of them. I suppose you could extend it to the pirates, etc., but I think this about covers it. Many thanks to http://potc.arwen-undomiel.com/ for the pictures. Of course, the site doesn't know I'm using them, and I don't have copyright, or anything (and probably neither does this website), but this is my attempt at acknowledging intellectual property, ok? :)

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