Notes from a wandering minstral

Friday, August 11, 2006

Getting ready to leave

Hi all... I handed in my dissertation on Tuesday, and now I'm packing and getting ready to leave... The news reports have made my packing plans a little more complicated -- I probably won't be able to take on any carry-ons, and I definitely won't be able to carry on any liquids or gells. But I also still have the old-fashioned problem of just getting everything into my suitcases... and mailing what doesn't.


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Alanna collage

Here's another desktop.... I've loved Tamora Pierce's Alanna books since I was a kid, so I thought I'd do a collage of some of their covers. These images are probably even more under copyright thanthe ones I usually use, but they're just so pretty... Posted by Picasa